Aaaanyway, vi började snacka, hon skickade låtar (hon har ett bra band som hon sjunger i), jag träffade hennes pojkvän också - långt innan jag träffade henne - som var här i våras och letade lägenhet i NY (han skulle börja plugga här nu i höst och jag visade honom runt i harlem litegrann), han var också astrevlig, och vi blev liksom nät-kompisar, precis som ungdomarna gör nuförtiden! Hum...
Sen kom hon kom faktiskt hit och hälsade på en helg i juni, softade i New York och bodde hos mig och Ira - det var skoj, lite mysko, eftersom vi inte kände varandra "på riktigt" innan, men skoj ändå! Fint så. Nu skrev hon igen förra veckan och ville komma och hälsa på igen över helgen (hon kunde inte bo med sin pojkvän för de hade gjort slut under sommaren). Så hon kom med tåget igår, och hon och jag gick ut och åt middag. DÅ utspelade sig den utlovade lilla scenen som jag tyckte var rolig. Den gick såhär:
GABRIEL (28) and VENDELA (27) sit in a Thai restaurant on West 4th Street. The restaurant is quite small, and packed. The walls are a dark red, and old posters for Singha Beer adorn every free space, with smiling Asian pin-up girls lying on beaches enjoying a frosty cool beer.
Gabriel and Vendela are mid-eating and mid-conversation.
...And when I was 17 I turned onto TM, which was great.
GABRIEL (chewing)
TM... You don't know what TM is?
No idea.
It stands for Transcendental Meditation.
GABRIEL (swallows)
It's a kind of meditation that allows you to... you know, like, cross over to a... Well, it's complicated to explain. It's like a yoga-like meditation, but with a mantra. You get your own mantra.
You have a mantra?
Yeah. Well, it's not just mine. They have different mantras for different age groups, so everyone who's 17 has the same mantra, and everyone who's 35 has another mantra.
GABRIEL (interested)
Oh... so what's your mantra?
VENDELA (smiles tolerantly)
Oh no, I can't tell you.
GABRIEL (chewing)
TM... You don't know what TM is?
No idea.
It stands for Transcendental Meditation.
GABRIEL (swallows)
It's a kind of meditation that allows you to... you know, like, cross over to a... Well, it's complicated to explain. It's like a yoga-like meditation, but with a mantra. You get your own mantra.
You have a mantra?
Yeah. Well, it's not just mine. They have different mantras for different age groups, so everyone who's 17 has the same mantra, and everyone who's 35 has another mantra.
GABRIEL (interested)
Oh... so what's your mantra?
VENDELA (smiles tolerantly)
Oh no, I can't tell you.
They both laugh. Gabriel calls the waiter over to refill his glass of water.
Gabriel takes a sip of water. Vendela takes another bite of tofu.
GABRIEL (chuckling)
...But seriously now, what is your mantra?
VENDELA (seriously)
No, I told you, I can't tell you.
GABRIEL (confused)
But... What do you mean you can't tell me? It's not a personal mantra, every 17-year old has it...
Well, I just can't. It's simply not done.
But you're not using it anymore!
VENDELA (mildly irritated)
That's not the point!
But I can't use it either! I'm 28, I have a totally different mantra now!
Look, they give you a mantra and you're not supposed to give it to anyone, OK? You go in and they give you your mantra and then you go home and meditate and use it. That's what you pay for.
But I don't see the harm if none of us can use it anyway! It's for a younger demographic!
VENDELA (slightly upset)
But you have to go to the TM people to get your own mantra!
But you're not using it... I mean, if you buy a bottle of water and drink some, and then you're done but there's some water left and you're going to throw it away when some homeless guy asks if he can have what's left, do you just look him in the eyes and throw it away anyway??!
VENDELA (angrily)
Look, it's not the same, and I'm not giving you my mantra, OK?!
...But seriously now, what is your mantra?
VENDELA (seriously)
No, I told you, I can't tell you.
A pause. They both look at each other.
GABRIEL (confused)
But... What do you mean you can't tell me? It's not a personal mantra, every 17-year old has it...
Well, I just can't. It's simply not done.
But you're not using it anymore!
VENDELA (mildly irritated)
That's not the point!
But I can't use it either! I'm 28, I have a totally different mantra now!
Look, they give you a mantra and you're not supposed to give it to anyone, OK? You go in and they give you your mantra and then you go home and meditate and use it. That's what you pay for.
But I don't see the harm if none of us can use it anyway! It's for a younger demographic!
VENDELA (slightly upset)
But you have to go to the TM people to get your own mantra!
But you're not using it... I mean, if you buy a bottle of water and drink some, and then you're done but there's some water left and you're going to throw it away when some homeless guy asks if he can have what's left, do you just look him in the eyes and throw it away anyway??!
VENDELA (angrily)
Look, it's not the same, and I'm not giving you my mantra, OK?!
A tense mood settles. They both pick around in their food. A waiter comes and refills their glasses. In the kitchen, a telephone rings.
Bra början på helgen, va..?
7 kommentarer:
Curb Your Enthusiasm. s03e06.
Eeeh... du bytte ut hennes namn om utifall hon hittade din blogg? Så att hon inte skulle bli arg för att du hade skrivit om er incident? Du tror inte att hela er konversation återgiven på engelska avslöjar vad posten handlar om (din listiga Vendela-con till trots)...?
and the hits just kept on coming
Haha! Go Josefin - right on!Så du låter wackos med betalsektsmantras komma och bo över; men inte din nästan äldsta filmpolare med fördelar? Nej; skojjar - men synd! Åker till Kenya istället! AAAoooommmmh.../M
okej. och vad med den saken sagt? pfffffffffffffff. tråkigt.
Uhh... så måmga svar att ge:
OK, först: Martin: vaddå, s03e06 är väl den med begravningsplatsen? Tänker du på telefonsvararmeddelandet?
Josefine: Äh, vaddå - när har jag hävdat att jag är konsekvent?
Maja: Kenya??! But why? För skojs skull? Jobb? FN? Du kan ju inte bara lägga en sån liten teaser utan att utveckla det hela!
Och "anonym": ...öhh... va? Vad med vilken sak sagt? Jag är förvirrad...
Ja det är det. Men i en sidoplott så blir Richard Lewis arg när Larry vill ha tillbaka mantrat som han gav till Richard några år tidigare.
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