Det här är så oerhört tragiskt, men samtidigt så sjukt kul att jag måste dela med mig. Notera framför allt de två sista meningarna. Suck... varför vill jag in i den här branschen nu igen..?
Jackson's Snake Film Creates Huge Buzz (från IMDB)
Samuel L. Jackson's new mile-high thriller
Snakes On A Plane has created such a buzz among internet film fans, movie bosses have called for re-shoots - to give the film a tougher rating. The film, which stars Jackson as an FBI agent trying to keep a federal witness alive onboard a plane full of snakes, wrapped last September - but went back before the cameras earlier this month for five days of additional shooting. Film bosses at distributor New Line Cinema opted to add new scenes to the film to take the movie from PG-13 into R-rated territory, according to industry magazine The Hollywood Reporter. Among the reported additions to the film is a foul-mouthed rant from Jackson in which his agent character bellows, "I want these motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane!" The line is expected to take on cult status. The film-makers have reportedly added more gore, more deaths, more nudity and more snakes to the finished product.
Så, kommer jag se den här travestin? JA! Ormar - på ett flygplan! Genius!
1 kommentar:
Det är så roligt, jag läste den där blurben förra veckan och tänkte exakt samma sak.
Det är skönt att få veta att: "The line is expected to take on cult status".
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